>> Preventing Legionella risks in water networks
OUR CLIENT'S CHALLENGE - Legionella is a pathogenic bacteria and can develop in sanitary hot water systems if the temperature is between 25 and 45°C. On this basis, it is critical to monitor temperature in order to control health risks. The institute for the Blind in Still decided to opt for a real-time temperature monitoring system to ensure that any temperature variation is rapidly picked up, reducing the risk of Legionella growth.
34 sensors
2 buildings
2 bulletins issued
every week

OFIS' SOLUTION - OFIS developed a new service to help managers responsible for Legionella risk control at the assigned facilities on a day-to-day basis: “Temp’Eau”. This solution monitors water quality at all times and comprises:
- The installation and configuration of sensors throughout the water network;
- Using data with viewing options, a secure history and alert features;
- Issuing regular reports with action plans;
- Help with managing any non-compliant sanitary indicators.
Client benefits
- Easy system monitoring -
- Reliable traceability -
- Planned actions for non-compliance -
- Complying with regulations -