
Our certified skills

OFIS has been recognized as an expert by the CSTB (Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment - the French Scientific and Technical Center for Buildings) for the specific services and testing required for diagnosing water networks in buildings. OFIS is recognized as having "Sanitary water network expertise".

OFIS is OPQIBI-certified (Organisme Professionnel de Qualification de l'Ingénierie: Infrastructure Bâtiment Industrie - Industrial Building Infrastructure as per the Professional body for Engineering qualifications) for indoor air quality diagnosis.

OFIS Ouest holds COFRAC no. 1-6188 accreditation (details of scope available on the website of the French accreditation committee) for monitoring indoor air quality in buildings open to the public (LAB REF 30), to meet the requirements of standard NF EN ISO/IEC 17025: 2005. This accreditation covers benzene, formaldehyde, carbon dioxide and the sampling strategy.

OFIS is referenced under Datadock, a unique database for referencing training bodies, in accordance with the quality criteria defined in the French law of 5 March 2014. OFIS is registered as a training body with the Préfecture of the Ile-de-France region, under no.11751140192*.


*This registration is not equivalent to Government approval.

Our areas of certification