Corrosion prevention guidelines

British Petroleum (Sultanate of Oman)

>>  Preventing industrial corrosion

OUR CLIENT'S CHALLENGE - Veolia operates British Petroleum's (BP) raw water treatment plant in the Khazzan gas field in south-west Muscat, in the Sultanate of Oman. Due to local water quality issues, the operator considers that systems face a life-long risk of corrosion.

Over 1,500
facilities assessed

Over 20
suggested targets

6,000 m3/d:
maximum volume of water treated

OFIS' SOLUTION - OFIS produced a corrosion prevention guide which provides guidelines and serves as a tool to safely prevent corrosion during the plant's operational phase, including:

  • Assessing the existing water network set-up;
  • Defining risk analysis criteria and assessing the associated risk levels;
  • Identifying corrosion-related factors and threats;
  • Defining preventive actions to avoid any critical situations;
  • Determining performance indicators and set targets;
  • Defining any remedial action required if thresholds are exceeded.


Client benefits

- Structured risk prevention -

- Optimized operating expenses -

- Standardized, reliable techniques -

- Improved equipment awareness -