Air quality and climate change


>>  Promoting an integrated approach to "Air quality / Climate change"

OUR CLIENT'S CHALLENGE - Pollutants are emitted in human activities. These pollutants can have short-term local effects (air pollution) and/or medium-term global effects (climate change). Climate-KIC, the largest public-private partnership for climate innovation in the European Union, is now aiming to bring together air quality and climate change specialists in order to identify actions which would bring benefits in both fields and assist elected officials with decision-making.

4 greenhouse gases studied

Over 10 air pollutants studied

40 mitigation actions considered

OFIS' SOLUTION - OFIS led a collaborative investigation with Proambiente, an Italian consortium of public institutions and private firms, focusing on the benefits of an integrated approach to air quality and climate change. This investigation aimed to:

  • Identify major air pollutants with an impact on both climate change and air quality, and the primary emission sources of these pollutants;
  • Identify the main measuring methods for pollutant emissions to assist local authorities with understanding how to monitor air quality and comply with the European Framework Directive on ambient air quality;
  • Assess the impact of some climate change mitigation provisions applied in Europe in urban areas on air quality.

Client benefits

- Incorporating air quality considerations into climate‑related discussions -

- Aligned priorities -

- Access to viable proposals -

- Promoting actions to help with both issues -