Mandatory monitoring of indoor air quality

Nice Côte d’Azur Council

>>  Testing sensors for improved ventilation

OUR CLIENT'S CHALLENGE - Recent changes to air quality monitoring regulations in buildings open to the public have required local councils to assess aeration methods and monitor indoor air pollutants. As part of this policy, Nice-Côte d’Azur Council entrusted Veolia's Pôle Innovation 2EI and OFIS with testing innovative indoor air quality monitoring services for buildings.

6 buildings audited

17 continuous measurement probes

12 months of monitoring by OFIS

OFIS' SOLUTION - OFIS is supporting the French city of Nice with many innovative air quality projects thanks to its extensive experience:

  • Indoor air quality audits in nurseries, schools and office buildings, as per the provisions of the decree of 30 December 2015;
  • Potential improvement areas suggested;
  • A continuous monitoring strategy has been defined for the target premises;
  • Implementation of a continuous air quality monitoring plan over a twelve-month period in order to assess the effectiveness of the ventilation system settings and recommended good practices;
  • The local council was assisted in the process of finding improvement areas for indoor air quality at its sites.


Client benefits

- Complying with regulations -

- Referencing innovative solutions -

- Planning for changes to regulations -

- Adding input to action plans -